Laundry-Mottiar, L.; Suduwella, T.; Senanayake, W.; Turnbull, M.; Juneau, A.; Kaur E.; Aloisio, M.; Guimarães Selva, T.; Henderson, J.; Nie, H.-Y.; Biesinger, M.; Noel, J.; Hedberg, Y.; Crudden, C.; Mauzeroll, J. N-Heterocyclic Carbene Overlayers on Mild Steel. Chem. Mater. 2024. XXXX, XXX, XXX-XXX
Shahabadi, V.; Vennes, B.; Schmedding, R.; Zuend, A.; Mauzeroll, J.; Schougaard, S.; Preston, T. Quantifying surface tension of metastable aerosols via electrodeformation. Nat. Commun. 2024. 15, 1045
Grandy, L.; Lacasse, R.; Adsetts, J.; Hitz, C.; Chhin, D.; Mauzeroll, J. Observation of natural convection and particle ejection from stainless steel single pits. Corrosion Science. 2024. 241, 112518
Zhou, H.; Chhin, D.; Li, Y. Gallant, D.; Morel, A.; Mauzeroll, J. Quantitative Interpretation of Potentiodynamic Polarization Curves Obtained at High Scan Rates in Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy. Analytical Chemistry. 2024. 96, 38, 15108-15116
Du, C.; Rammal, M.; Rivard, M.; Harrington, M.; Mauzeroll, J. Mussels Put Their Best “pH”oot Forward: Importance of pH in Formation of Biological and Bio-Inspired Materials. Advanced Functional Materials. 2024. 2409463
Leslie, N.; Mena-Morcillo, E.; Morel, A.; Mauzeroll, J. General Method for Fitting Kinetics from the SECM Images of Reactive Sites on Flat Surfaces. Analytical Chemistry. 2024. 96, 27, 10877-10885
Raju, A.; Schougaard, S.; Mauzeroll, J. Current trends in SECM for energy storage devices: Reaching the microstructure level to tune devices and performance. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry. 2024. 45, 101522
Grandy, L.; Yassine, S.; Lacasse, R.; Mauzeroll, J. Selective Initiation of Corrosion Pits in Stainless Steel Using Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy. Analytical Chemistry. 2024. 96, 19, 7394-7400
Juneau, A.; Abdolhosseini, M.; Rocq, C.; Pham, H.; Pascall, M.; Khaliullin, R.; Canesi, S.; McCalla, E.; Mauzeroll, J. Overcoming Challenges in Electrosynthesis Using High-Throughput Electrochemistry: Hypervalent Iodine-Mediated Phenol Dearomatization, a Case Study. ChemElectroChem. 2024, e202400193
Laliberté-Riverin, S.; Yassine, S.; Mena-Morcillo, E.; Sanni, K.; Cova, M.; Hassanipour, M.; Provencher, P.; Mauzeroll, J.; Brochu, M. Microstructure, corrosion behavior, and fatigue resistance of laser powder bed fusion-produced precipitation-hardening martensitic M789 stainless steel. Surfaces and Interfaces. 2024. 45, 103830
Du, C.; Woolcott, S.; Wahba, A. S.; Hamry, S.; Odette, W.; Thibodeaux, C.; Marchand, P.; Mauzeroll, J. Evaluation of Quatsome Morphology, Composition, and Stability for Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Eradication. Langmuir. 2024. 40, 3, 1623-1632
Dawkins, J. I. G.; Martens, I.; Danis, A.; Beaulieu, I.; Chhin, D.; Mirolo, M.; Drnec, J.; Schougaard, S. B.; Mauzeroll, J. Mapping the total lithium inventory of Li-ion batteries. Joule. 2023. 7, 1-15
Dawkins, J. I. G.; Pan, Y.; Ghavidel, M. Z.; Geissler, J.; Krueger, B.; Chhin, D.; Yuan, H.; Tong, V.; Pelletier-Villeneuve, B.; Feng, R.; Botton, G. A.; Chapman, K. W.; Mauzeroll, J.; Schougaard S. B. Exploring the Synergistic Effects of Dual-Layer Electrodes for High Power Li-Ion Batteries. ChemElectroChem. 2023, e202300279
Li, Y.; Perry, S.; Mauzeroll, J. Extending the Lifetime of pH Microelectrode with Stabilized Palladium Hydride. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2023, 170, 087509
Grandy, L.; Chaniolleau, M.; Lacasse, R.; Mauzeroll, J. Corrosion Inhibition by Sulfate after Surface Preparation. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2023, 170, 5, 051502
Leslie, N.; Mena-Morcillo, E.; Morel, A.; Mauzeroll, J. Fitting Kinetics from Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Images of Finite Circular Features. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 44, 15315-15323
Li, Y.; Morel, A.; Gallant, D.; Mauzeroll, J. Controlling Surface Contact, Oxygen Transport, and Pitting of Surface Oxide via Single-Channel Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 42, 14603–14610
Li, Y.; Morel, A.; Gallant, D.; Mauzeroll, J. Correlating Corrosion to Surface Grain Orientations of Polycrystalline Aluminum Alloy by Scanning Electrochemical Cell Microscopy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2022, 14, 41, 47230-47236
Grandy, L.; Mauzeroll, J. Localizing the electrochemistry of corrosion fatigue. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science. 2022, 61, 101628
Skaanvik, S.; Stephens, L.; Gateman, S.; Geissler, M.; Mauzeroll, J. Quantitative Feedback Referencing for Improved Kinetic Fitting of Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy Measurements. Analytical Chemistry. 2022, 94, 40, 13852–13859
Du, C.*; Suduwella, T.*; Beaulieu, I.; Schougaard, S.B.; Mauzeroll, J. Chapter 11: Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy of Living Cells.. In Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, 3rd edition, Bard A.J and Mirkin M.V., Ed. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC: Boca Raton, 2022; 297-330
Leslie, N.; Mauzeroll, J. Spatially Resolved Electrochemical Measurements. In Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, Wandelt, K. and Bussetti, G. Ed. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2023
Odette, W.; Mauzeroll, J. Formation of Oxidation- and Acid-Sensitive Assemblies from Sterols and a Quaternary Ammonium Ferrocene Derivative: Quatsome- and Onion-like Vesicles and Extended Nanoribbons. Langmuir 2022, 38, 14, 4396–4406.
Zhou, H.; Chhin, D.; Morel, A.; Gallant, D.; Mauzeroll, J. Potentiodynamic polarization curves of AA7075 at high scan rates interpreted using the high field model. npj Materials Degradation 2022, 6.
Zhang, Y.; Chern, D.; Schulz, R.; Mauzeroll, J.; Chromik, R. Manufacturing and Tribological Behavior of Self-Lubricating Duplex Composites: Graphite-Reinforced Polymer Composites and Polymer-Infiltrated Metal Networks. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2021, 30, 103-115
Moussa, S.; Rosini, E.; Chitsaz, D.; Pollegioni, L.; Kennedy, T.; Mauzeroll, J. High-Throughput Strategy for Glycine Oxidase Biosensor Development Reveals Glycine Release from Cultured Cells, Anal. Chem. 2021, 93, 49, 16504–16511
Cabana, J.; Alaan, T.; Crabtree, G. W.; Hatzell, M. C.; Manthiram, K.; Steingart, D. A.; Zenyuk, I.; Jiao, F.; Vojvodic, A.; Yang J. Y.; Balsara, N. P.; Persson, K. A.; Siegel, D. J.; Haynes, C. L.; Mauzeroll, J.; Shen, M.; Venton, J.; Balke, N.; Rodríguez-López, J.; Rolison, D. R.; Shahbazian-Yassar, R.; Srinivasan, V.; Chaudhuri, S.; Couet, A.; Hattrick-Simpers, J. NGenE 2021: Electrochemistry Is Everywhere, ACS Energy Letters 2021, 7, 368-374
Pan, Y., Blum, A. S., Mauzeroll, J. Tunable Assembly of Protein Enables Fabrication of Platinum Nanostructures with Different Catalytic Activity, Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 44, 52588–52597
Gateman, S. M., Alidokht, S. A., Mena-Morcillo, E. Schulz, R. Chromik, R. R., Kietzig, A., Parkin, I. P., Mauzeroll, J. Wear resistant solid lubricating coatings via compression molding and thermal spraying technologies, J. Surf. Coat. Technol 2021, 426, 25, 127790
Odette, W. L., Hennecker, C. D., Mittermaier, A.K., Mauzeroll, J. EDTA-Gradient Loading of Doxorubicin into Ferrocene-Containing Liposomes: Effect of Lipid Composition and Visualization of Triggered Release by Cryo-TEM, Langmuir 2021, 37, 38, 11222-11232
Pan, Y., Blum, A. S., Simine, L., Mauzeroll, J., Nanometals Templated by Tobacco Mosaic Virus Coat Protein with Enhanced Catalytic Activity, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2021,120540
Hossain, M. S., Stephens, L. I., Mauzeroll, J. Schougaard, S. B. Structural dependence of effective mass transport properties in lithium battery electrodes, Journal of Power Sources 2021, Volume 504, 230069
Li, Y.; Morel, A.; Gallant, D.; Mauzeroll, J., Ag+ Interference from Ag/AgCl Wire Quasi-Reference Counter Electrode Inducing Corrosion Potential Shift in an Oil-Immersed Scanning Micropipette Contact Method Measurement. Anal. Chem. 2021, 93 (28), 9657-9662.
Moussa S., Chhin D., Pollegioni L., Mauzeroll J. Quantitative Measurements of Free and Immobilized RgDAAO Michaelis-Menten Constant Using an Electrochemical Assay Reveal the Impact of Covalent Cross-linking on Substrate Specificity, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2021,1-10
Savignac, L., Dawkins, J.I.G., Schougaard, S.B., Mauzeroll, J. Determining the effect of dissolved CO2 on solution phase Li+ diffusion in common Li-ion battery electrolytes, Electrochemistry Communications 2021, 125, 106979.
Moussa, S., Van Horn, M., Shah, A., Pollegioni, L., Thibodeaux, C.; Ruthazer, E., Mauzeroll, J. A Miniaturized Enzymatic Biosensor For Detection of Sensory-Evoked ᴅ-serine Release in the Brain, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2021, 168, 025502 (Editor’s Choice)
Danis, A.S., Mauzeroll, J. Chapter 13: Electrogenerated chemiluminescence and Photoelectrochemistry. In Electrochemistry for Bioanalysis; Gayathri, S., Elsevier: Amsterdam, 2021; p.285-306
Noyhouzer, T., Payne, N. A., Moussa, S., Beaulieu, I., Mauzeroll, J. Portable and Sustainable Activated Carbon-Based Device for Electro-Assisted Water Purification, Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol. 2021, Accepted Manuscript
Pan, Y., Paschoalino, W..J., Blum, A. and Mauzeroll, J. Recent Advances in Bio‐Templated Metallic Nanomaterial Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Applications, ChemSusChem 2021, 14, 758-791.
H. Zhou, R. Yu, G. Ran, S. Moussa, Q. Song, J. Mauzeroll, J-F. Masson, In-situ dynamic reaction of Ag NPs: Strategy for the construction of a sensitive electrochemical chiral sensor, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2020, Volume 319, 128315
Y. Li, A. Morel, D. Gallant, J. Mauzeroll, Oil Immersed-Scanning Micropipette Contact Method Enabling Long-term Corrosion Mapping, Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92, 18, 12415-12422
J.I.G. Dawkins, M.Z. Ghavidel, D. Chhin, I. Beaulieu, M.S. Hossain, R. Feng, J. Mauzeroll, S.B. Schougaard, Operando Tracking of Solution-Phase Concentration Profiles in Li-Ion Battery Positive Electrodes Using X-ray Fluorescence, Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92, 10908-10912.
W.J. Paschoalino, N.A. Payne, T.M. Pessanha, S.M. Gateman, L.T. Kubota, J. Mauzeroll, Charge Storage in Graphene Oxide: Impact of the Cation on Ion Permeability and Interfacial Capacitance, Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92, 10300–10307
Pan, Y., & Mauzeroll, J.. Boosting CO2 Reduction: Creating an Efficient Path for Gas Transport. Joule 2020, 4(4), 712-714.
Stephens, L.I.; Payne, N.A.; Mauzeroll, J. Super-Resolution Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy. Analytical Chemistry 2020, 92(5), 3958-3963.
Perry, S. C.; Gateman, S. M.; Malpass-Evans, R.; McKeown, N.; Wegener, M.; Nazarovs, P.; Mauzeroll, J.; Wang, L.; Ponce de León, C. Polymers with Intrinsic Microporosity (PIMs) for Targeted CO2 Reduction to Ethylene. Chemosphere 2020, 248, 125993.
Hossain, M. S., Stephens, L. I., Hatami, M., Ghavidel, M., Chhin, D., Dawkins, J.I.G., Savignac, L., Mauzeroll, J., Schougaard, S. B. Effective Mass Transport Properties in Lithium Battery Electrodes. ACS Applied Energy Materials 2020, 3, 1, 440-446